Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lebanese CEO Sees Opportunity in Current Crisis

Daily Star

July 10, 2009

Chairman and CEO Fouad El Hibri insists that good business opportunitiesoften arise in time of crisis, which he considers the best time forentrepreneurs to invest in new projects. "When the market is down, Ibelieve that good opportunities arise and investors have better chancesto find assets that are undervalued and able to provide wonderfulreturns in the future," Hibri told The Daily Star.

"I see within any turmoil great opportunities," he said.

Hibri, an American entrepreneur with Lebanese heritage, is the winner ofErnst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2009 Award in the Technologycategory in greater Washington. With great persistence and commitment,Hibri was able to successfully grow a pharmaceutical biotech facilitythat is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and was previously ownedand run by the state of Michigan.